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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Girls Day Out!

My friends and I went bowling yesterday after class since it ended at 12pm. Boring lectures, discussions and presentations are all I can describe this EBM (Evidence-Based Medicine) module. Apparently, I would rather call it Extremely Boring Medicine lmao. I mean, of course the application of EBM in our clinical practice is important but to have it for an entire month? That's just pointless. To be honest, I haven't been really concentrating much during the lectures for the past one week. My brain seemed to ignore all the information that was being delivered to me. I would rather have Neurology for 4 weeks! Too bad, we only had it for 3 weeks and it wasn't enough. So many things to learn yet so little time. Neurology is FUN FUN FUN like Friday! Eh, ape aku merepek nie? LOL.

My 3rd game! I won, surprisingly! Oh, sila ignore score telur ayam saya LOL.
Yes, I won! Once. HAHAHA. When the scores were added up for all 3 games, I placed third. I guess me winning the 3rd game was just pure luck. Did you see I managed to get a strike, and 3 spares? Woot woot! After the games, we went to this restaurant (I forgot the name!) for dinner. Had charcoal grilled beef ribs and it was yummylicious!! The price was not too bad either. Together with a plate of rice, it cost me Rp 34,000.

Tantalizing beef ribs!
Mannnn.. it took me ages to seperate the meat and the ribs. Fuh fuh berpeluh-peluh aku. My friend sorang tu siap kena tegur dengan sorang pakcik nie suruh pegang je ribs tu dengan tangan pastu ngaaapp terus! Haha. Apalah pakcik nie. Tak ayu lah kalau kiteorang buat camtu. My other friend who sat in front of me was cutting the meats sampai nak roboh meja. Haha. Main bowling lenguh tangan pastu pi makan beef ribs nie. Bijakkkkk kan? Haha..

My girls! Sorry for the bad quality. -__-"
Ps. Gonna see him in a few hours more! ♥

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Angry Mira

R: Mira, berenti main angry birds~keke. Gi buat literature review.
Me: Tadi tengah marah langsung main Angry Birds tak jadi tido. Hahaha.. Pastu tido sebab tak boleh pikir dah. Haish. -__-"
R: Hehe.. Angry Mira~ =P
Me: Membayangkn burung yg comel itu ialah saya and yg kaler ijau tu.... hmmm. ngeee~ ok.
R: Yang kaler ijo tu dung dung =P Kami chup hitam bomb ...ngeeee~
Me: HAHAHA. Dung dung xD. Lol. Ape main chup2 nie. Fine, Mira amek yg kuning yg laju tu. Best2! teehee!
Mannnn Angry Birds is really addicting. I couldn't stop playing once I started. Especially tengah stressed out tulis thesis and bengang dengan seseorang yang kutuk dan cakap belakang pasal aku.

Hurt, betrayed, and falsely accused. I seriously wanted to confront her but I'm just too afraid to do so. I'm scared that I would break down into tears once I start talking to her. Her words were just so hurtful but yet she messaged me nicely. Hello? Didn't you think I wouldn't find out what you did behind my back? Whatever. I'm just gonna stay away from you for the next few days and see what you're gonna do next. Just so you know, I did nothing wrong and your words were so twisted!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Omygawddd they know me!

I was on my way back home from campus with my friend. We were gossiping (as usual -__-") and giggling like mad. I haven't seen her for days due to the one-week break so we have a lot of gossips stories to catch up. Hehehe.. As I was waiting for my friend who wanted to withdraw some moolah at the ATM center, my eyes suddenly caught a group of girls with hijab and they looked extremely familiar. They somehow looked... Malaysian? Haha. You see, it's easy to spot Malaysian girls here even if you don't speak a word. From the dressing and somehow the faces? So yeah. I couldn't help myself staring at them and I regretted all along for doing so coz they noticed me doing that. How embarrassing that was!

When they started to become aware of my presence (or rather, my stare), they walked towards me and I went like omygawd omygawd please don't come near me! Oh well, they did anyway. The first sentence that blurted out from this tall girl was...

"Awek Suhaimi?"

Muka aku merah macam cili dah. Telinga dah panas keluar asap sebab menahan malu kena panggil macam tu. I was like.. whaaaatt? You didn't know my name and I knew yours! Sedih betul. -__-" And all I answered was an awkward "A'ah". HAHAHA. And she started to ask this and that and me being all shy, I tried to be as friendly as possible. You see, I'm not good at starting conversation especially with those whom I'm not close to. After that short chit chat, I rushed to my friend and she was like...

"See? Mira popular kat uni diaaaa. Hehehe.."

Okay, popular la sangat. Diorang tak tahu pun nama aku kot popular ape jadahnye! They most probably could only remember my face since I had been to his uni for quite a few times. That's why! Takde kena mengena dengan popularity okay. To be honest, I've never wanted to become popular among my friends, atau kat mana-mana je lah. It's a scary thing. I will talk about it in my next post. Toodles! ^_^

Lazy days shall end now

Coz I'm gonna start attending for lectures, discussion, and presentations of the first module of my last two subjects for my 5th year tomorrow! I had been waking up late during this one-week break. I should have flown back to Malaysia coz I haven't been doing much for my thesis during the break. It breaks the purpose of me staying here in this freaking place. Urghhh!I thought I was gonna be diligently writing my thesis if I were to stay here since there's gonna be less distraction but oh boy how wrong I was! I'm gonna kill myself now bye!

Anyway, changed my blog name coz the previous one is kinda lame? I dunno. I think I should not be using the word divine coz it might be misleading ya know. Oh well, if you don't then that's okay coz I'm talking crap right now. Haha.

Discogenic Thoughts

Mind you, it has nothing related to the word "disco". Disco as in going to clubs, clubbing, etc. It's actually a medical term. The correct term should be discogenic pain which implies pain that originates from interverbal disks. The pain could be either on the back or at the neck area, depending on which interverbal disks that are affected (cervical, thoracal, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal). Other definitions:

dis·co·gen·ic (dsk-jnk)
Relating to a disorder originating in or from an intervertebral disk.
discogenic [dis″ko-jen´ik]
caused by derangement of an intervertebral disk.
So, when putting discogenic and thoughts together, it means that my thoughts are always deranged....? Haha. Okay, this is getting lame. Pardon me for having lame blog names. Lame is my middle name. Haha. Okay, I should stop now. Need to sleep early since I'm gonna have to wake up early tomorrow woot woot! Goodnight!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saya, aku, I, or [insert name]

Pardon my last blog entry. Before I turn this blog into a bimbo one, I better write about something else and refrain myself from posting pictures of myself. -__-" Holiday is almost over and as you can see, I haven't been making new posts for the past few days. Guess I just didn't have the mood to sit and write type anything. The thing is, I always have this situation where I got myself busy with blogging at times where I was supposed to be studying for exams. You see how funny things are? Urgh. I bet you guys had the same situation too, at least once.

Anyway, just wanna ramble on those four words of my post title. Whenever I talk to people, I always refer myself as "Mira".
Eg. Korang nak pergi mana? Mira nak ikut jugak! Mira dah bosan duduk rumah macam orang gila tak tentu arah. -__-"

You see how gedik that may sound? Haha.. It doesn't sound as gedik as you guys might think. But I seriously can't stand reading blogs that use their names when they wanna refer to themselves while talking to their readers. Get it get it?
Eg. Hello u ols. U ols apa khabar hari ni? Mira hari ni tak sihat sangat so tidur je. Before Mira sign off, Mira nak u ols tolong votekan blog Mira kat sini okay. Jangan lupa vote untuk blog Mira ok. Mira loves u ols! Muacks kiss kiss.

/muntah hijau bluekkk

Seriously, korang sure rasa macam nak muntah hijau jugak kan. Haha. Nak sepak-sepak je screen laptop tapi tak boleh sebab nanti jahanam pulak laptop kesayangan. =P I'm not referring to anyone but yeah you get the idea! If I ever come across those types of blog, I would straight away click the button X! And oh, another thing is, I find it ridiculously annoying when people say "u ols" instead of "you all". Are you kidding me? Can't you freaking use a proper phrase and stop writing like a retard? Ishhh.. /emo emo

Okay. I should put a stop to the ranting. Haha.. I wonder would people perceive me as gedik? Coz seriously I feel uncomfortable using "aku" when talking to my friends. GIRLfriends. But I don't have any problems using it with my guyfriends. Eeee.. geli ke apa nak cakap Mira ni Mira tu dengan kawan-kawan lelaki. Meremang bulu roma aku. Haha.. So, I would use either "Mira" or "saya" with those I'm not so close to. :)

Maybe I shall use "aku" when writing here on my blog. Geli kot nak guna Mira. Tak boleh blahhhhh. ^_^

Monday, May 16, 2011


Yay me!

I've just graduated! Yay! Finally. It has been like 5 years?

Of course not. I still have one more year to go. I'll be graduating from my bachelor degree this August (insyaAllah) and get my Dr. title in a year time. You see, I'm gonna graduate twice, well, thrice actually including Bachelor of Medical Science from University of Melbourne. ^_^ I know, it sounds a bit wee complicated but I'm just too lazy to explain everything. Hehe..

Back to research. Need to start writing my thesis or else I wouldn't be able to graduate. Shucks. =/

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weird questions

Do you guys own a Formspring account? Yeah, the one where people can ask you questions including the weird ones? Haha. And you don't have to worry about people thinking you a weirdo or a stalker since there is an option that enables you to stay anonymous (if the owner of the account ever enables that option). Well, it's been ages since I logged on. To my surprise, there were like 8 questions, waiting to be answered. Yeah yeah, laugh out loud! I'm a boring person so I bet people wouldn't have any interest at asking me anything anyway! Some of the questions went like this...

[insert name] just nak tau, apa perkara paling best yang korang lalui sepanjang 2010? 
Wah, bajet artis abes lah! Kau siapa ha? Ayat tak boleh blah lah. Not gonna answer it. Nextttt!

Why must you be so cute? 
LOL. Idk. Coz I'm not pretty? If you're cute, you're not pretty. If you're pretty, you can't be cute. Get it get it? ;p Okay, I know. This has gotta be a joke. Thankyouverymuch for telling me I'm cute tho it's not true. *perasan sebentar*

Aku perasan aku main bola mcm Messi, apa aku nak buat? hehe 
Ngahaha. Betul ke? Maksudnya, nanti kau mesti dapat offer main untuk mana-mana famous football club! :)

And the weirdest question of all...
hey....i've had the biggest crush on you for awhile! i don't go on here a lot. but please message me on under the username "wishfulthinker". please don't get all weird. =) 
One word. Creeper!

Or maybe not. It could be just a spam. Heh. -__-" Siapa-siapa mahu mencuba message mamat ni kat website tu, dipersilakan. Dia sepi kot. Haha.. Kesian.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Being sick after sitting for finals...

Tissues lying everywhere on my desk!
 ... is not fun at all! I've been thinking all the things that I wanna do after the exams but had to put them aside due to the sickness that I'm suffering of. I don't think this is just a simple common cold. It's been torturing me for over a week now. I'm just too sure that I'm actually having acute rhinosinusitis. I guess I need to have to wait until next week since sinusitis may resolve on its own after 2 weeks. Well, I hope so! This headache is killing me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

End of 5th year clinical rotation

Had my Ophthalmology finals today. Man, it was rather nerve-wrecking. The exam was supposed to be yesterday actually. I was given a patient with immature senile cataract in the right eye and post-cataract surgery with intraocular lens in the left eye. The patient had to bear with me for the whole 2 hours! I did history-taking, ophthalmological examination and a complete medical record. Yes, I made the diagnosis myself and my by-sitter wasn't being helpful either. It was an easy case thank God. It would be difficult if I were to get cases such as retinopathy or infections. But apparently, my patient did have hypertension so there is still possibility of her having hypertensive retinopathy. Not to mention, her intraocular pressure was slightly higher (21.9 mmHg) in the right eye with a huge difference between both eyes (9 mmHg in the fellow eye). I still need to rule out Chronic Glaucoma then.


Sorry for all the medical terms used. Well, the exam went pretty well I think. Though I had to wait like for almost 3 and a half hours! My by-sitter (an Ophthal resident) was supposed to let me know the exam was gonna start at 11am instead of 8am but she didn't! I ended up waiting for her like a fool. -___-" It wouldn't hurt to let me know, would it? She even replied my message with an "OK". I seriously hate that two-letter word as a reply. I thought I was going insane. Urghhh..

Anyway, the consultant was nice though most of the time she had this scary look on her face. Idk. She looked like she was gonna eat me anytime soon. lol. But it turned out that she was superrr nice! She didn't even smile when I entered the exam room, making me nervous like hell! But as the exam went along, I was able to relax a bit. She seemed to be satisfied with my answers. Well, of course there were questions I wasn't able to answer but heck yeah. It was supposed to be that way anyway. What do you guys expect from a 2-week worth of experience?

I'm guessing the prognosis for my exam today was dubia ad bonam. I can't be sure I'm gonna get good grade anyway. Clinical years are so unpredictable. The scoring and everything are so subjective and luck plays a big role here. You see, there are many types of examiner that I have encountered. Some would give you like killer questions and would give good score if you're able to answer them. Some would ask something that is totally non-medical-related and usually you won't be able to answer them. Some give simple questions but the score would be low even you can answer them all correctly. And some even...

feels happy whenever you can't answer their questions. Yes. I'm telling you the truth.

Gahhh.. See what I mean? Oh yeah, you know those professors?? Even worse. Sometimes I just don't get the questions. I didn't know what they wanted and they didn't get what I was trying to say. Haha..

Conclusion: It might just be a matter of bad communication or they're just too smart. -__-" Oh, or rather, I'm just too stupid to understand them. HAHA.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Came across this video while browsing YouTube. For those who don't know yet, a Malaysian K-pop group, 24:7 (now known as MAX247 -__-) was said to have their debut soon. I'm guessing this is their dance practice for their debut song? I'm not gonna say much so you judge the video yourself. Teehee. =P Oh, all I wanna say is...

The so-called break-dance is an EPIC FAIL!

There you go for trying to be 2PM-ish. Try watching this. HUGE difference.

I love you mama!

Mama saya yang hot awww~ <333
Happy Mother's Day Mama! I love you loads. I miss you every single day. How I wish I could go back home right now and give you a big warm hug!

Nantikan kepulangan Mira ye mama this July! Tak sabar rasanya. Take care!

Ps. Will be having Ophthalmology finals tomorrow. It's my last clinical rotation for my 5th year!! Wish me luck! (:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

K-pop or K-poop?

Did I mention earlier that I love K-pop?

Gula-gula, Malaysian K-poop K-pop idol wannabe!

Ehhhh.. Definitely not this one. That's K-poop! Hahaha~
I meant this!

It's 2PM, baby! I just wanted to promote my K-pop tumblr, a place where I put all my K-pop edits and gifs.Click the link below.

I changed my tumblr theme yay!

Ps. Yes, the intentionally mistaken photo above was strictly for sarcasm purposes. 
Pps. Oh please, you people! Stop trying so hard to be someone that you're not. Go and find your own identity, K-pop idols are Koreans (well, most of them) and even if they're not, they freaking live in Korea and they sing Korean songs. Kita orang Melayu okay! You delusional people can never be like them!
Ppps. Replace Wonder Girls? My foot la!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Acute rhinosinusitis

Went to Thamrin hospital today and was diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis. I don't get it. I was thinking it should be rhinopharyngitis instead since I have runny nose with purulent discharge and sore-throat. Oh well. Whatever. I hope I get better soon. Polyclinics are so stuffy. RSCM is so frigging packed every single day. I can imagine how tired must the doctors here be! More exposure to sick people means more susceptible I become to infection. Eeekkk. =/

OSCE on Thursday, written exam on Friday. Patient's exam on Monday in the following week. Praying hard so that I don't get sick on these days! Amin.. :)

Back to study mode. Ciao! ^_~

Sunday, May 1, 2011


My friends and I were craving for durian and so we decided to hunt for it last night. We bought like 10 durians (2 for each person) which cost us Rp 250k! That's about RM93. One thing that is convenient buying durian here by the roadside is that we could ask them to pack the durians in a polystyrene since bringing them home and trying to open them up myself would be a very difficult task for me. Hehe.. I don't know if this applies to Malaysia as well since whenever my dad bought them at pasar malam, he had to do it himself.

I'm a happy girl now! Teehee~
How about you? Do you like durians?