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Sunday, December 25, 2011

I don't wanna talk about it cause I'm in love with you~

I looked away
Then I look back at you
You try to say
The things that you can't undo
If I had my way
I'd never get over you
Today's the day
I pray that we make it through

Make it through the fall
Make it through it all

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it
Cuz I'm in Love With you

You're the only one,
I'd be with till the end
When I come undone
You bring me back again
Back under the stars
Back into your arms


Wanna know who you are
Wanna know where to start
I wanna know what this means

Wanna know how you feel
Wanna know what is real
I wanna know everything, everything

[Chorus without last line]


I'm in love with you
Cuz i'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The 12 types of med students

Sometimes, I can be "painfully enthusiastic". But of most of the time, I'm a "sensitive soul" but definitely not to the extend of giving up my properties. :p

LOL at the last one. Are they trying to say all medical students are insane? Oh well, maybe we are. There were times where I had doubt about choosing doctor as my lifetime career. You know, you gotta study for at least 5-6 years long and the journey doesn't end there. You still have to go for horsemanship for a minimum of 2 years long and serve the government for another 8 years including the 3 compulsory years? (I'm a JPA scholar holder so that explains it all).

This is madness, I tell ya.

But honestly, I can't imagine myself doing other things. Despite the workloads, I do enjoy being in a medical school. I love what I'm doing right now. The working part? The real life? I'll just think about it later. Teehee~ :P

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I sprained my ankle

Yep, saya tahu saya sangatlah careless. Encik Sumi cakap saya selalu sangat jatuh. It's either saya memang tak berhati-hati or saya obese so senang hilang balance. Oopss. It hurts so bad that I swear I could hear bone-cracking sound. Alhamdulillah, bila X-ray, nothing major happened actually. The doctor said it was merely a hematoma at the right ankle joint region. Bengkak still tak kecik-kecik. Takut. :(

Swelling of the right ankle joint

Doctor dah bandage. Tu pun saya yang mintak isk.

One day after the incident. Still ada hematoma.
Rumah Sakit MH Thamrin Salemba hampeh sesangat. Service sangatlah teruk. My friends helped me to do all the administrative stuff. And sampaikan nak ambil wheelchair pun kena ambil sendiri. WTF. It's a private hospital. Nurse yang takde kerja selamba je suruh pegi ambil. Sebab takde koas la tu. Kalau RSCM, kerja-kerja camtu, koas la. Jadi kuli. Sobs~ Cepatlah sembuh. Kalau tak, camne nak sambut baby kat Ruang Bersalin lagi, ye tak? T___T

Ps. Turns out that doctor kat emergency tu adalah resident kat RSCM. Please please forget my face and name. Malu.
Pps. Koas = medical student yang sedang clinical posting kat hospital.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I love my desktop

Currently using Rainmeter for customizing my desktop. Thanks to Adlan for the tips. Check it out here. ;)