I'm definitely not much of a writer. I suck at composing and that explains the long absence of any new blog posts here. I write whenever I feel like to. Even if I did feel like writing something, the thoughts ended up being lost somewhere in my brain and I just couldn't find them back.
Yadda yadda. The truth is, I'm just l-a-z-y.
Dah genap dua bulan pulang ke Malaysia. I officially ended my degree on 13th of July. Took some time to shop for my family, packed my stuff, and got ready to end everything for good. Real good.
It still feels surreal that I've actually completed my years in medical school. Six years is definitely not a short period of time. I'm finally a doctor. Percaya? Entah, kadang-kadang saya sendiri rasa tak percaya. Dulu masa first year, bila tengok final year students, rasa kagum. Bila masuk clinical phase, tengok doctors rasa kagum. Sekarang, bila dah jadi doktor? Rasa serba kekurangan. Tak rasa pun saya tahu semua benda sebab dulu saya ingat doktor mesti tahu segala-galanya kan.
Housemanship. One thing that scares me. Semua fresh medical graduates pasti akan menempuhi hal yang sama. Kalau orang lain boleh, kenapa tidak saya?
Harus kuat semangat. Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar seperti yang diharapkan. Amin.