Lepas lecture, kita orang disajikan dengan bedside teaching, my favourite way of learning since I get to concentrate more on what is being delivered to me. Yelah. Takkan nak slack sebab consultant akan betul-betul mengadap kita and ajar satu persatu. But actually scary jugaklah sebab selalunya akan kena attack with questions questions questions! There was one question that I managed to answer correctly but the doctor didn't hear me I guess. He was asking the importance of knowing the gender of the child. And I answered hemophilia, which is a sex-linked blood disorder, predominantly in male patients. Tapi doctor tak dengar sebab bila orang sebelah jawab hemophilia, dia kena puji. Tak aci. Tiruuuu jawapan gua. Cis tak guna. Haha.
Sangat suka bedside teaching hari ini. Hope I can remember all the theories that I got today for as long as I live. Okay, gila nerd bunyi dia kan. =P Just for a reminder for myself, there are five major causes of pale in children:
- Aplastic anemia
- Hemolytic anemia
- Iron-deficiency anemia
- Bleeding
- Malignancy (eg. leukemia)
And you know what, that made me realise. You gotta really understand your patients well and in return you should let know the important info that the patients should know. If you don't master the disease, how are you supposed to do that?
Okay, that reminds me to go and study now. Bye!
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