Previously, there was this blogger who commented on my shoutbox. Saying how cute my blog is yadda yadda yadda. As a token of appreciation (takbleh blahhh ahh ayat), I paid a visit to her blog, thanking her for liking my blog. But then, I realised something was wrong with all the other comments on her shoutbox. Everyone else was thanking her for saying how "cute" their blogs were. Out of curiosity, I went to their blogs (homaigawddd takde keje dah ke Mira? -__-"). I found out that this particular blogger actually left the exact same message on everyone else's shoutbox.
Babe, that's not how you gain followers. I mean, it might actually work if you wanted to increase your blog traffic but gaining loyal readers? I don't think so. I sorta got hurt actually. Haha.. Perasan je ada orang suka kat blog saya yang sememeh ni. -__-" I normally don't comment but I do have exceptions eg. interesting posts, my friends' blogs, etc. Saya sukaaa blogwalking tapi jarang sekali meningggalkan jejak. Sebab tu blog ni cam rumah kosong jek. Whatever. I just don't care. This blog is random and I don't want to be restricted to writing certain stuff only just to ensure people keep reading my blog. I don't write for others. I write for myself.
Okay, gila selfish bunyi dia and self-centered. Hahaha..
Lagi satu, don't you just loveeeeee when somebody says,
"I dah follow you. Follow me back yea!"
Nak lempang? Korang ingat ada ke orang nak follow kalau camtu? Kalau ada, saya tataulah kan. =P Then, the next second you know, that person already unfollowed your blog sebab tak dilayan. Whattt~? -__-"
Ps. Terkasar pulak. Ampun ye. =p
yg unfollow tu yg paling annoyingg. fuh.
ReplyDelete@kura: Tapi saya tak kisah kalau dia nak unfollow pun sebab saya tak nak dipaksa untuk follow blog dia. Lalalala~ =p