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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hello world

I left the world of blogging almost a year ago due to the fact that I no longer have any interest at blogging. People on the Internet have been bitchy towards me and so I decided to lay low. I do blog hopping sometimes but never have I left any comments on those blogs. I got scared of being judged. I hated it when people understood what I was trying to convey. When you don't know people personally, they tend to go overboard and do not think of others. I was disappointed and frustrated over the things that happened. But now I'm back. I'm not sure how long it will last. Just thought I should give it a chance. Let's be friends, shall we? :)

So, why divine caffeine?
Simple. Coz I love coffee and can't live without it. Coffee has been my best friend ever since I started my study in medical school. Initially, I didn't drink coffee for leisure. I forced myself to drink at least a cup so that I could stay late night to study for tomorrow's exam. Yeah yeah, last-minute study (-_-"). Over the years, I got strongly attached to coffee. I started to drink coffee on regular basis. No, I'm not a caffeine addict. Not yet? Haha.. Could it be I'm in denial? I hope not. I'm still able to go through my days without caffeine though. :)

And oh yeah, bitter coffees are better than the sweet ones. The more bitter it is, the better it gets.


  1. I love the smell of coffee....

    ** folo ur blog..**1

  2. @Sekamar Rindu: Me too. ^_^ Thanks for following..
