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Friday, May 18, 2012

Internist vs Surgeon?

I'm currently in my last clinical posting, Surgery. Tell you what, I don't like Surgery. I find Internal Medicine is far more interesting. The knowledge and all, you know. Internists; they think a lot. They really dig down regarding whatever is happening to the patients. Surgeons; they don't really think. They open up human bodies and then only they know the diagnosis. I asked one of the Surgery residents on why they took up Surgery instead of other medical fields. His answer was simply because he feels like he doesn't need to think much. Not much of studying etc. All you gotta have is skills! Not sure that is true or not because as a patient, you definitely would not want to be under the knife before the diagnosis is established!

My friend once told me, "be an Internist and marry a Surgeon". Well. I think Surgeons are cool. And most surgeons are male doctors. During my night shifts, I was surrounded by male doctors. Seriously rasa awkward. And they tend to be of good-looking too! Ahem. :P My boyfriend did mention that he would either consider to be an ObGyn specialist or a Surgeon. Oh, jadi Surgeon please! :P

But in the end of the day, surgeons and internists don't go along very well, you see. They blame each other. They hate each other. During one of my night shifts, one of the internists got mad because a patient was referred to her by a surgery resident with a vague diagnosis. Yes, coz they don't think, that's why! They argued about how the patient should be managed medically and surgically. I didn't really get the whole picture but I can see, they don't work well together.

Well. I still think Surgeons are cool! ;)


  1. haha..depa bukak2 bdan org tp sembuh jgn main2 ng dokter bedah. ;P

    1. Tak main-mainlah. Takut. Consultant ramai gak yang garang-garang wohhh. Scary. :p
