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Sunday, August 28, 2011

What I had today..

I cooked today! I can no longer stand the food here booyah~!

Sayur cap cay. Yeke? Muahaha.. Takpelah. Hentam je. :D

Ayam kurma bersama kentang

Pinggan makan saya

My meds! Of course la nie tak boleh tinggal. =p
Ps. He's coming back to Jakarta for Raya! Cant't wait! :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Waving the white flag

I have finally surrendered and decided to go to the hospital today. The moment I woke up, my dyspnea didn't even get better at all. It was still the same as yesterday. Auscultated my chest and thank God, there was no wheezing. Well, not yet. I hope there would be none at all!! If there is, it indicates that my asthma has only moved to the next stage. T__T And since my ventolin inhaler has expired, I've got no choice other than going to the hospital ASAP. It's a good thing I'm still able to walk by myself. :') If only he was here, he would have come and accompanied me but he wasn't even here sobs. :'(

As usual, went to the see the GP and explained everything yadda yadda. The thing that I hate the most is waiting for the meds at the pharmacy. Since my meds are insured, the staff there need to call up the insurance company and make sure that my meds are covered by them. I'm sure this time around there will be no problem since there were no supplements in my prescription (I like to see what I'm prescribed with!). Little did I know that they DID NOT HAVE BLOODY STOCK FOR VENTOLIN INHALER. Okay, I hope I made that very clear. =P

I mean, come on! I do not want to go the government hospital here so that I could skip all the hassle of having to wait for hours. Hello, I know how it feels like. I've been working/studying in the biggest tertiary national hospital and waiting for the queue is no big joke! And why would I go there if I'm medically insured by JPA? I suppose MH Thamrin Hospital is quite a BIG PRIVATE hospital but somehow, they're not up to their standard. Gahhh. When I asked when will the inhaler be available and the staff there (with muka selamba badak) replied Monday. MONDAY? That's like 2 days away. I can't wait that long. I mean, that's my most crucial med and I need it ASAP. I'm dyspnic ya know. It HURTS you dopehead. /crying T_____T

Didn't want to argue any longer so I simply asked for the prescription so that I could buy it from the pharmacy outside. I even had to ask for it TWICE. These people, really, are you guys trying to give me a heart attack or what? T__T So yeah, it's settled. Bought it from a VERY SMALL pharmacy store for a price of Rp 111 000. There goes my money. Sobs.

My meds. 
I hate meds. I really do. Why the heck do I wanna be a doctor then? So that I could enjoy torturing others by giving them meds muahaha! No, I'm kidding okay. =p

Friday, August 26, 2011


Baru je start posting Paeds, dah start sakit. But honestly, it's not me that I'm worried about. It's the kids at the ward and polyclinic! Their immune system must have been lower than usual and me being around them would only predispose them to infection.

Okay, tipulah kalau tak risau kat diri sendiri kan. The thing is, upper respiratory infection has always been quite a strong sole factor triggering my asthma. Yes, I do get sick. Often. Urgh. I hate common cold. It comes with a full package of fever, cough, headache, congested nose, and yadda yadda. I could do nothing for the past few days. Been sleeping the moment I reached my hostel till the next morning. During the lectures and bedside teachings, I couldn't pay attention. It was such a torture, having to stand in the polyclinic/ward for hours. They even blasted the place with the lowest temperature of air-conditioning. T___T God bless me.

Now dah boleh rasa cam sesak sikit. Oh no. Found my ventolin inhaler but whoops, it's already expired. T____T Demmm demm demmm!

Ps. I hope I don't need to use the nebulizer.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day #1 of Paeds posting

Selamat kembali ke sekolah! Hari ni first day of Paediatrics posting. I was not fully prepared for this day actually. Flipped a few pages of my precious Lissauer's Paeds book and went to bed straight away. Haha. My first day started with an introduction lecture, continued with General Overview of what Paeds is all about. Biasalah, kalau lecture ni memang selalu boring. Dok lah bersengkang mata dan mendengar dengan teliti apa yang disampaikan.

Lepas lecture, kita orang disajikan dengan bedside teaching, my favourite way of learning since I get to concentrate more on what is being delivered to me. Yelah. Takkan nak slack sebab consultant akan betul-betul mengadap kita and ajar satu persatu. But actually scary jugaklah sebab selalunya akan kena attack with questions questions questions! There was one question that I managed to answer correctly but the doctor didn't hear me I guess. He was asking the importance of knowing the gender of the child. And I answered hemophilia, which is a sex-linked blood disorder, predominantly in male patients. Tapi doctor tak dengar sebab bila orang sebelah jawab hemophilia, dia kena puji. Tak aci. Tiruuuu jawapan gua. Cis tak guna. Haha.

Sangat suka bedside teaching hari ini. Hope I can remember all the theories that I got today for as long as I live. Okay, gila nerd bunyi dia kan. =P Just for a reminder for myself, there are five major causes of pale in children:

  1. Aplastic anemia
  2. Hemolytic anemia
  3. Iron-deficiency anemia
  4. Bleeding
  5. Malignancy (eg. leukemia)
I'm not sure if there's more but that's all what I got from today's bedside teaching. The consultant taught us how to make a working diagnosis and rule out the others. The patient that I met today was a 7-year old girl, suffering from ALL (Acute lymphoblastic leukemia) since she was three. Annnddd it turned out that her name is Mira. What a coincidence. The child's father was very co-operative and I was VERY VERY surprised on how VERY well-informed he is about his daughter's condition. He knew all the medical terms and conditions related to his daughter's disease. I was in awe, listening to the things that he knew.

And you know what, that made me realise. You gotta really understand your patients well and in return you should let know the important info that the patients should know. If you don't master the disease, how are you  supposed to do that? 

Okay, that reminds me to go and study now. Bye! 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It has ended..

What has ended? Remember that workshop thingy that I was talking about? Yep that one! To be honest, the workshop was a total boredom. Practical sessions? Yawnssss. I was the only Malaysian in my group so you can figure out the rest. 14 students each group and out of those, I only know two of them, whom I wasn't very close to. I was so so SO lost. Not to mention my Indonesian is broken. Yes, I've been studying here for 4 years already (a year in Melbourne) but I still could not grasp the language. Urgh.

Gonna start my final year soon. I'm so nervous. But excited. Coz you know what final year means? It means I only have one year left and then I'll be going back home to Malaysia for good! Yessss. I can't freaking wait to get outta here. I sound like I hate staying here, don't I? Well, I do, partially. =/

Random photo: Sobs.. (╥﹏╥) My pathetic internet cable.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back in Jakarta

Sudah pulang ke Jakarta. Oh benci. my flight to Jakarta was supposed to be on the 21st but I had to attend some workshop shit on the 19th and 20th. Hari pertama penuh dengan talks which were super boring. Had a pre-test before the sessions and post-test after everything has been delivered to us. They told us that if we fail the workshop, we're gonna have to attend again the following week along with our juniors. What the eff. I'm so not gonna go to that shit ever again. urgh.

Tahun ni tak balik raya LAGI. Oh sedih. Last year tak balik sebab ada night shift and busy kena study. The year before, memang takde cuti coz I was in Melbourne. Raya raya raya. Sekarang dah tak berapa nak bermakna buat saya. Oh tapi kalau dapat raya dengan family, still rasa seronok bukan?

This year's raya gonna suck! Raya without family, without my beloved sweetheart. :( Nasib baik kawan-kawan masih ada di sisi. Thanks girls. Ye, girlfriends je. Hahaha. Okeh, kena study for tomorrow's practical sessions. Combine dengan regular class which means, saya seorang je Malaysian dalam kelompok I. Wahhhh. :( Babai!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Forever 21 adik sayang!

My sister and I ^‿^
Happy 21st Birthday to my dearest sister, Anith! Kamu dah besar rupanya ye. Hehe.. Wish you for never-ending happiness and may this year be your best ever. :) I love you lots my dear xoxo ♥♥♥

Ps. I'm surely gonna miss you. :'(

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shop shop shop till we drop!

Sebenarnya nak update semalam tapi rasa macam malas je. Setiap kali balik dari terawikh, switch on laptop bukak Facebook, stalk orang seperti biasa pastu tak lama kemudian bosan. Bila bosan, tidolah~ Hehe.. Oh well, here goes nothing.

Semalam saya dan adik saya yang comel pergi shopping kat Berjaya Times Square! Tempat paling heaven nak shop sebab kedai banyak dan banyak murah-murah. Sampai sana pukul 11am. Balik dari Times Square pukul 5pm. Mana taknya sengal-sengal kaki ni. =P Adik saya jadi fashion consultant sebab tahukah anda yang saya..
sangatlah tak pandai bershopping sakan? xD

Ye. Itulah kenyataannya sebab bila keluar shopping dengan kawan-kawan, I always ended up being the one without any plastic bags. Orang lain penuh dengan plastic bags kiri kanan dan saya hanya berlenggang mak minah jek. xD Maksud saya di sini shop bajulah~ Dengan adanya fashion consultant yang saya telah hired secara tidak rasmi, saya berjaya telah membeli 7 clothing items. Muahaha~ Gila ke apa. But of course, I don't really mind buying unbranded stuff so booyah~ Ada saya kisah?

Dalam LRT. xD

Adek saya comel :)

Hai, Ini saya. xD

Anit cinta Caesar, si hero chimpanzee. Hik3.

Menunggu wayang
Items yang telah dibeli
In the future, hope saya tak turn into shopaholic la. Nanti kesian la bakal suami saya. Muahaha xD Okeh, gedik je. Bye!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna...

Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekadar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cintaku padamu
Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan

Ketika ku bersujud
Ketika ku bersujud

Brighton Beach, Melbourne, Australia.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Salam Ramadan

Esok dah nak masuk hari ke-5 berpuasa but it's never too late to wish all Muslims Happy Fasting kan. :) Puasa jangan tak puasa. Semalam ayah saya jadi bilal kat surau. So terawikh full lah kan. Hehe.. Ayah saya semangat wohhh. Suara mantap dan kuat. Tapi bunyi cam garang siket. Hik3~

And oh, hari ini saya buat karipap dengan mama saya. Saya cuma kelim je actually. Hehe. Pastu goreng. Sedap wohhh sehingga menjilat jari. Laku kot agak-agaknya kalau jual kat Bazaar Ramadan.

Ignore the slightly blackened parts. They were delicious nevertheless, I'm telling ya!
Okay bye! ◕‿◕