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Monday, May 23, 2011

Lazy days shall end now

Coz I'm gonna start attending for lectures, discussion, and presentations of the first module of my last two subjects for my 5th year tomorrow! I had been waking up late during this one-week break. I should have flown back to Malaysia coz I haven't been doing much for my thesis during the break. It breaks the purpose of me staying here in this freaking place. Urghhh!I thought I was gonna be diligently writing my thesis if I were to stay here since there's gonna be less distraction but oh boy how wrong I was! I'm gonna kill myself now bye!

Anyway, changed my blog name coz the previous one is kinda lame? I dunno. I think I should not be using the word divine coz it might be misleading ya know. Oh well, if you don't then that's okay coz I'm talking crap right now. Haha.

Discogenic Thoughts

Mind you, it has nothing related to the word "disco". Disco as in going to clubs, clubbing, etc. It's actually a medical term. The correct term should be discogenic pain which implies pain that originates from interverbal disks. The pain could be either on the back or at the neck area, depending on which interverbal disks that are affected (cervical, thoracal, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal). Other definitions:

dis·co·gen·ic (dsk-jnk)
Relating to a disorder originating in or from an intervertebral disk.
discogenic [dis″ko-jen´ik]
caused by derangement of an intervertebral disk.
So, when putting discogenic and thoughts together, it means that my thoughts are always deranged....? Haha. Okay, this is getting lame. Pardon me for having lame blog names. Lame is my middle name. Haha. Okay, I should stop now. Need to sleep early since I'm gonna have to wake up early tomorrow woot woot! Goodnight!

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